美国PYREX玻璃反应釜 3000ml 6947-1000ml 2000ml 4000ml
500和1000毫升的水壶有可互换的盖子,有四个开口容纳24 / 40关节。2000年、3000年、4000毫升的水壶有可更换的盖子,可以容纳三个24 / 40个关节和一个34 / 45关节。可互换接头允许快速组装,包括冷凝器、搅拌器和漏斗。盖子和底部的法兰是很好的密封垫。只适用于加热地幔。
美国PYREX玻璃反应釜 3000ml 6947-1000ml 2000ml 4000ml
6947 PYREX Brand, Resin Reaction
The 500 and 1000 mL kettles have interchangeable covers with four openings to accommodate 24/40 joints. Kettles of 2000, 3000, and 4000 mL capacity have interchangeable covers and have openings to accommodate three 24/40 joints and one 34/45 joint. Interchangeable joints allow quick assembly with condensers, stirrers and funnels. Flanges of covers and bottoms are finely ground for a tight seal. For use with heating mantle only.
6947-1000ml 2000ml 4000ml
美国PYREX玻璃反应釜6947-1000ml 2000ml 3000ml 4000ml