这些重量是用的不锈钢制成的,包括Troemner合金8不锈钢,它*可以通过Troemner使用。这种*的材料具有严密的控制密度(8.03 g/ cm3),极低的磁性,良好的稳定性,耐腐蚀。合金8是的不锈钢材料,类似于zui初在生产1公斤级的国家实验室初级标准中所规定的材料。
ASTM Class 1 - Can be used as a reference standard in calibrating other weights and is appropriate for calibrating high-precision analytical balances with a readability as low as|0.1 mg to 0.01 mg.
Weights are designed so the specifications on surface finish,markings, construction, material density, and magnetic properties become more restrictive as the weight tolerances
decrease in order to enable the weight to maintain its tolerance over time. These weights are designed for your most demanding weighing applications.
Suggested Markets for Analytical Precision Weights include, but are not limited to,Manufacturing QC, Secondary Calibration Labs, State Laboratories, Pharmaceutical QC, R&D, Analytical Testing, Chemical Manufacturing, Utilities.
质量 | Class4砝码套装 | Class4砝码套装带NVLAP证书 |
500g-1mg | 7219-4T | 7219-4W |
200g-1mg | 7221-4T | 7221-4W |
200g-1mg | 7223-4T | 7223-4W |
100g-1g | 7224-4T | 7224-4W |
100g-10mg | 7226-4T | 7226-4W |